CRM Resolutions on New Year

CRM Resolutions for the New YearHere are our CRM Resolutions on New Year. Many of us make lot of resolutions – personal or for business. But how many businesses make the CRM resolutions? Customers are key to your business – and despite that they are one of the most ignored stakeholder when New year resolutions are made.

Here is our list of Customer Relationship Management or CRM Resolutions on this New Year.

CRM Resolutions on New Year

  1. Spend few hours everyday to find new leads
  2. Don’t let any lead go unattended
  3. Respond to prospects within few hours
  4. Promise what we can deliver
  5. Deliver what we have promised
  6. Surprise our customers
  7. Treat our customers well
  8. Take feedback from those who buy & did not buy from us
  9. Service customer as promised
  10. Treat customers not as a King – treat them as “God”

We help customer achieve their CRM resolutions with the help of building better processes and using the technology. Cloud is a great enabler and helps reduce the time and cost to achieve the CRM results.